Daycare Hours are 7:00 am until 6:00 pm Monday through Friday. Hours of care will be contracted from child to child. No childcare will be provided on the following Holidays or Vacation days.
New Years Eve
New Years Day
Martin Luther King Day
Presidents Day
Good Friday
Day After Easter
Memorial day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Halloween (4:00PM dismissal)
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving and the Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and the Day after Christmas
Maria's Piccolo Mondo will also be closed for vacation two weeks out of each calendar year. Weeks are usually taken separately, however we reserve the right to take them consecutively. Vacation Days will be posted by the end of January on the beginning of the calendar year.
Please Note: All of the above are paid Holidays and Vacation Days. If any of the above Holidays fall on Saturday or Sunday the Holiday will be observed either the Friday before or the Monday after.
Weather closings also do not affect tuition payment. Maria's Piccolo Mondo will only close if the safety of the children, and our staff could be at risk.